
Global Commands:

The follow commands can be used by all the players on the server.

  • /auth - Verify yourself using the instructions listed in-game chat. (Required to be on our Discord)
  • /backpack - Open your personal backpack.
  • /backpackgui - Toggles whether you can see the backpack GUI button.
  • /balance - Check your own economy balance.
  • /hit - Disable the damage hit registration text.
  • /leaderboard - Displays the leveling leaderboard.
  • /ranks - Displays the player rankings leaderboard.
  • /skills - Displays your skill trees.

Verified Commands:

The following commands can be used by Verified players only.

  • /license - Show information about vehicle licenses.
  • /sil - Download an image from a URL onto the sign you are looking at.
  • /skin - Skin the item you are holding in your hand.
  • /skinshop - Select free skins to use with /skin.
  • /teamauth - View status of automatic authorization.
  • /teamauthui - Open automatic authorization options UI.
  • /transfer <name> <amount> - Transfer your own economy currency to another player.

VIP Commands:

The following commands can only be used by VIPs on the server.

  • /backpackui [position] (left/right/off) - Changes your preferred backpack button position. Set to Off to hide the backpack button.
  • /balance <name> - Check the economy balance of another player.
  • /build - Open building upgrade tools.
  • /recycler - Open your own Portable Recycler.